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مكتب الكرجاتي للمحاماة

Mr. Samir Nasr El-Koragaty

الاستاذ سمير نصر الكرجاتي المحامي بالنقض والادارية العليا هو مؤسس مكتب الكرجاتي للمحاماة والاستشارات القانونية  

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Awards & Certificate

International Award for Community Leaders in Support of Law

Mr. Samir Nasr El-Kaoragaty won the International Award for Community Leaders in Support of Law

International Award for Community Leaders in Support of Law

Mr. Samir Nasr El-Kaoragaty won the International Award for Community Leaders in Support of Law

International Award for Development and Peace Makers

Mr. Samir Nasr El-Kaoragaty won the international Award for Development and Peace Makers

World Peace Prize

Mr. Samir Nasr El-Kaoragaty won the World Peace Prize

International Relations Expert Award

Mr. Samir Nasr El-Kaoragaty won International Relations Expert Award

Certificates of lawyers of the International Coalition

Mr. Samir Nasr El-Kaoragaty got Certificates of lawyers of the International Coalition

Certificate of the Arab Society for Training and Consulting

Mr. Samir Nasr El-Kaoragaty got Certificate of the Arab Society for Training and Consulting

Honorary studies certificate from the University of Oslo

Mr. Samir Nasr El-Kaoragaty got Honorary studies certificate from the University of Oslo

Certificate of the International Arbitration Committee

Mr. Samir Nasr El-Kaoragaty got Certificate of the International Arbitration Committee

Camberwell International Academy Certificate

Mr. Samir Nasr El-Kaoragaty got Certificate of the Arab Society for Training and Consulting

Camberwell International Academy Certificate for L.T.P

Mr. Samir Nasr El-Kaoragaty got Certificate of the Arab Society for Training and Consulting For Leadership Training Program.

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شارع البولينج. - عمارة برجيتا - اعلى رستوران  بوسكا  - الكوثر - الغردقة - البحر الأحمر

 Phone :  0653450800

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